eMpower – Login Portal

eMpower, an online Learning Management System and Communication Portal.

This is the platform that enhances the teaching and learning opportunities of our staff and students as well as provide a relevant and up-to-date means of communication between home and school.

eMpower at Manning Valley Anglican College means:

  • Personalised platforms for students, parents, and teachers.
  • A place to support and develop the whole student, their academic growth and progress, their wellbeing, and their wider school involvement.
  • A communication hub for students, parents, and teachers.
  • An innovative teaching and learning platform where parents and students will have access to key curriculum information, the school calendar, a unique personalised eDiary, student due work, student timetables, and information on sport and other extracurricular activities.
  • Fully integrated MVAC app where all eMpower features can be accessed.

You can access everything you need through eMpower, including our college app which will allow you to receive up to date notifications straight to your chosen device.

eMpower allows the classroom to come to you by providing student and parent access to the curriculum, assessment tasks and task evaluation. It also keeps all stakeholders informed about the details of school events and activities.

eMpower was launched in early 2023 and we look forward to journeying with you to unlock the capabilities of our students and staff through the use of this integrated learning management and communication portal.